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Explore Training with Sit Happens

Real World Training - setting you both up for success. 
20 years experience.

Our mission is to transform your relationship with your dog, turning dreaded walks and stressful situations into enjoyable, confidence-building experiences. We specialise in empowering both you and your dog to navigate the world with ease, making your daily walks the highlight of your day.

Our approach focusing on both the human and the dog. We believe that effective training involves working with you just as much as with your dog. Our goal is to equip you with the skills and confidence to handle any situation independently, so you no longer need our help.

With experience ranging from frontline army work with exceptional dogs to rehabilitating rescue dogs from around the globe, we’ve tackled even the most challenging cases. We are committed to every client, promising unwavering support, protection, and lifelong partnership.

If you’re ready to give your all, we’re here to give you everything we’ve got, ensuring that training is not just about overcoming tough situations but also about enjoying the fun and rewarding moments with your furry friend.
The stress free life is only a few clicks away with 20 years of experience waiting for you, 2 amazing trainers, 6 dogs and 1 big huge community of people to support you.

Way's we can help you

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We booked onto a train and stay with Matt at Sit Happens HQ just over a year ago. Matt provided us with the knowledge, techniques and correct tools to show and allow us to address Rivers reactivity to dogs and cars.
 Matt truly understood our situation and was non-judgemental, patient and understanding.
The rest of the team, Emily and Ricky are also amazing! Emily is always super positive and Ricky is also amazing at his job. 
Buddy Up! wow, where do I even start? This is their online platform and is an absolute game changer! Just to touch on a couple of things that have helped us since having the online support;
1) Flirt pole tutorials - This has helped build on Rivers impulse control / prey drive, as well as giving her a fun outlet that tires her out! Matt breaks all training down into easy to follow, step by step videos. This goes for everything on Buddy Up. 
2) In house training - I’ve personally benefited from the greeting visitors tutorials of this section as River can become highly excited when we have visitors around. I’ve definitely noticed she is able to manage her arousal/ excitement levels a lot better with guests since implementing the training and scenarios that Matt shows you, in order to set your dog up for the most success as possible. This section also shows you how to stop your dog from barking at the door when someone/ visitors knock.
You’ll have access to so many other useful features / tutorials/ guides, such as dog body language, previous 1-2-1’s and train and stays, using play as part of your training. There’s also a section where you can post to meet up with others who are at similar points in their training to allow you and your dog to progress and train in a safe manner. 
Buddy Up has quickly become a community full support. You can post questions, messages and short video updates. This is truly a judgment free community who are all supportive of each other. You’ll also be able to post questions for Matt, who will be there to assist you. I’m hoping to join a meet up in the new year and look forward to seeing the community grow larger and further afield.
If you need help now then our online training platform is for you. With step by step how to videos with head trainer Matt. Have him teach you today, at home exactly how he teaches and trains his 1-1 clients.. 

We're the trainers for you if you just want to be able to enjoy everyday life with your furry family member. 
Unsure where to start or what's best for you and your dog? Please do get in touch so we can help

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